
healthHealth and Medicine

You Should Be Wearing Socks To Bed, According To Science

James Felton

James Felton

James Felton

James Felton

Senior Staff Writer

James is a published author with four pop-history and science books to his name. He specializes in history, strange science, and anything out of the ordinary.

Senior Staff Writer


Elena Seiryk / / Tik Tok / Davidcohendds

Look, we know that wearing socks to bed will make you look like some sort of psychopath at worst and a person who has had a grave wardrobe malfunction at the very best. Somebody comes to bed wearing socks, your go to reaction is "something's gone wrong here" or "I'm sorry darling but I'm going to have to call the police."

However, if you can switch off your disgust for one moment, there's a good scientific reason why you should consider wearing socks to bed (like a psychopath).


TikTok star Dr Karan Raj has explained to his million followers why wearing them will help you sleep much better than the person lying next to you without socks (still debating calling 911).


"You need to start sleeping with your socks on, and here's why," Dr Raj explains in the video. "Wearing socks to bed increases the blood circulation to your feet this causes your blood vessels to vasodilate - they widen."

"When the blood vessels widen they can get rid of heat much quicker because of the much bigger surface areas. This allows your core body temperature to cool down at a faster rate than normal, and a lower core body temperature is needed for optimal sleep."

"If you want better feet, cover your feet."

If you are to say "to hell with the cops" and begin to wear socks to bed, it's important to choose socks that aren't too tight as this will reduce circulation. For people going through the menopause, wearing socks (counterintuitively) may also help to reduce hot flushes.

Despite the benefits, most comments on the video were along the lines of "I don't care if my feet are literal ice cubes, I'll never wear socks to bed. Nope, no way," followed by an angry face emoji, and "people who sleep with their socks on," followed by seven clown emojis. Good lord, Tik Tok loves an emoji.

If you are against the idea on principle, you can try other methods to warm up those feet in order to get some better sleep. Medical News Today suggests having a warm foot bath before bed tim or sleeping with a hot water bottle (for Americans, that's a rubber bottle you fill with hot water and sleep with, they're amazing and you are missing out - also it's "football" not "soccer").

You could also merely place a blanket over the bottom of the bed, covering those feet without terrifying your partner.


healthHealth and Medicine